
Our Long-Term Vision: TOKYOink Vision 2030

Our Long-Term Vision (Goal for 2030)

Satoshi Horikawa

Upon the centennial anniversary of the founding of the Tokyo Ink Group, we put together a long-term vision that we call “TOKYOink Vision 2030” as our goal for 2030.

At the Tokyo Ink Group, we are currently carrying out our “TOKYOink 2024” medium-term business plan under our corporate philosophy of being a company that contributes to society through monozukuri that brings color and benefits to everyday life and our vision of ourselves as a company that centers on color, collaborating with our customers to continually create and produce value sought by the market.

In the process of carrying out this plan, we have undertaken activities that include the creation of a new code of conduct and HR system, but in reflection upon our century of tradition, we reexamined the purpose of the Tokyo Ink Group from the perspective of what we are able to do for the benefit of the coming sustainable society.

The Tokyo Ink Group is a BtoB manufacturer whose business revolves around color and offers chemical products typified by inks and plastics, and there is no doubt that the current changes that are happening in the global environment and in lifestyles have resulted in a harsh external business conditions for us.

On the other hand, we believe that along with our century of history, continuing to create products that are absolutely essential in daily life forms the point of origin for the Tokyo Ink Group to grow toward its next 100 years.

This documentation explains our long-term vision leading up to 2030 and the reasoning behind it. Please be sure to read it, as it sets out the path that the Tokyo Ink Group will take going forward.

Purpose and Philosophy

In today’s society, in which great emphasis is placed on sustainability, the communication products and coloring products that the Tokyo Ink Group creates in its three main businesses are essential for improving and enhancing daily life.

The development of protection products, on the other hand, is an important area for us to tackle as a manufacturer working toward the resolution of issues faced by society, such as preservation of the global environment, climate change, and food waste.

The Tokyo Ink Group is a BtoB manufacturer that makers intermediate products, and we have always found our purpose in protecting the global environment and providing continued support for prosperity in daily life by supplying communication, coloring, and protection products for a wide range of markets, fields, and uses.

Purpose and Philosophy

Our corporate philosophy, our vision for the type of company we want to be, and our action guidelines exist to help us fulfill our purpose.

Megatrends up to 2030
-Risks and Opportunities -from the Perspective of Sustainability

From the perspective of a sustainable society, we view gaining a proper understanding of risks and opportunities brought about by changes in the business environment as a crucial element of management, and in the midst ofsuch changes, we are working on reforms that will take us beyond the conventional boundaries of our business.

Determining Materiality toward 2030

Taking into account megatrends from a sustainability perspective, as well as associated "risks" and "opportunities," we have determined the materiality (key issues) for the Tokyo Ink Group. By backcasting from the vision we aim to achieve by 2030, we have consolidated our focus into four key areas of materiality.

Long-Term Vision (Target for 2030)